Imagine if you drove to the store during business hours to buy a much-needed item, only to find that it was closed. You might think twice about going there again and drive to a competitor store to purchase your item instead. This is the same way your potential buyers would feel if they went to your site to ma
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Evaluating Your Competition
Evaluating the competitive landscape is an important step in developing a successful business. Having a grasp of who your competitors are and how they do business allows you to learn from their successes and failures. In turn, you can find ways to make your business stand-apart and attract more customers.
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Making the Most of Your Accounting Software
Handling Accounting transactions well is crucial to your business’ success. Whether you buy software to perform all tasks in-house, or rely on an outside web-based service, you will need to track: money coming in and going out; inventory levels; sales performance; and customer data. The more closely your
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Protecting Yourself Against Fraud
There's a lot to look out for when it comes to the protection of your business. And, the truth is that you can't necessarily protect yourself against every eventuality. There is a lot you can do to avoid falling victim to corrupt fraudsters. You just need to spend some time implementing processes that will sa
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Shipping for Success and Profit
Once the sale is made, customers expect to receive their purchases as quickly and smoothly as possible – the source of the #1 customer complaint. All major shippers offer good service, so shop around to select what works best for you and the types of products you are shipping. Use good packing materials a
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Educating Customers With Newsletters
A newsletter is a worthwhile marketing approach that establishes you as an authority in your field. It’s one more way for you to stand apart, and step ahead, of your competitors. Meanwhile, your customers are learning something new with every newsletter, which they’ll appreciate and reward with return bus
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Hiring Smart in Today’s Challenging Economy
Bringing quality people into your organization can be tricky, and there are many issues to consider. By deciding what skills, abilities, and traits are important to you, you know who to look for and how to begin interviewing them. Good paperwork practices aid the process, whether it’s the employment appli
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Sourcing Your Start-Up Money
Sobering Statistics The statistics are sobering; half of all small businesses fail within their first four years. The number one reason: underestimating financial needs. You are well aware of the need for cash to get your business launched, but you [...]
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Choosing a Successful Name
The domain name is a unique name that identifies your website. It can be the same as your company or a variation of it. Make your name as memorable and relevant as possible to the product or service you are offering. A clever, one-of-a-kind name may also help you stand apart from competitors. And, think about
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Understanding the Basics of Public Relations
A well-planned, well-managed, targeted public relations program can help your business grow. But, you need to start by gaining an understanding of what PR is all about. Taking the time to understand that PR is about planned communications and building solid relationships with your publics, de-mystifies the p
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